• C/BALMES 76, PRAL 1ª, 08007 BARCELONA +34 934 878 030 bmk@bmk.es

All posts of Bufete Mañá-Krier-Elvira

Bitcoin and Tax: Dangerous Liaisons

Bitcoin is landing in our business life. People are preparing a suitable airport for one single purpose: to receive properly the new amazing bitcoin. What was a marginal issue reserved for some Tech freaks is becoming much more than a virtual currency but an asset, a commodity. Investors are looking at bitcoin as a desired object, […]

Villnius – Barcelona WLN Partners – 02.11.2017, Barcelona

Evento: Villnius – Barcelona WLN Partners Fecha: 02.11.2017 Lugar: Bufete Maña Krier Elvira, Barcelona, España In Bufete Maña Krier Elvira in Barcelona we received on the 2.11.2017 the visit of Laimonas Marcinkevicius. Villnius and Barcelona shares a lot of some common topics, and not only our passion for basketball, but also our values of understanding […]

Tecnología Blockchain para contratos – 11.10.2017, Barcelona

Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, smart contracts… the digital world offers us plenty of new words we maybe have heard of them in the press or social network but do we really know its meaning? Beyond of the possibilities of becoming a millionaire investing in cryptocurrencies, there is also a legal side which is getting more importance […]

WLN Conference Autumn 2017 – 28-30.09.2017, Kraków

WLN has the privilege to have a Partner in Europa´s heart, the historical city of Krakow, its picture of the main market is one of the most popular in Europe. The conference was plenty of great speeches related to the Future Lawyers. For such purposes the future lawyer´s skills were under discussion so that the […]

Happy Brexit Year!

Aspectos fiscales de la salida del Reino Unido de la UE “Solo sé que no sé nada”. Sócrates resucita ante el Brexit. Nadie puede predecir qué va a ocurrir, ni siquiera si alguien tiene un plan para lo que puede suceder. En todo caso sí se pueden valorar en abstracto algunos de los posibles efectos […]

Ciberdelitos Derechos Al Olvido en Internet – 19.12.2016, Barcelona

La ponencia de Emilia Wesolowska versó sobre tres aspectos de gran interés y actualidad del mundo cibernáutico. 1.- Ciberdelitos. Son los delitos que se cometen a través de medios informáticos. Rastreando el Código Penal encontramos dos grandes bloques. Uno integrado por delitos clásicos: contra la propiedad intelectual, difusión de pornografía o prostitución de menores; así […]